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Ben Christophers – Losing Myself Lyrics

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The trees are swaying in their pink noise up on the hill
Todays the day to remember always
Its three oclock and the sun is as warm as warm can be
And I hear the church bells over the city

As if by magic you and me were there again
Then I remembered how you smiled if I was mocking you
Someones playing music
And its swimming from that window sill
We stood there listening
But I was thinking more about holding your hand

What does it all come down to
Im losing myself

Theres scissors for voodoo in my mind
Im doing it my way
Im doing it my way

The record player plays a lost soul for everyone
And all the sirens fill the dead street thrillers
Bring out the freak shows and the loveless for tomorrows news
And I heard the church bells over the city
And I said

Are you shading in my mind?

What does it all come down to
Im losing myself
Theres scissors for voodoo in my mind
Im doing it my way
Im doing it my way