[Lyrics for 33 Miles – This Is Now]
You were all alone/You were
constantly broken/You felt so
unloved/You were left abandoned/
What a difference love can make/To
the deep heartbreak back then/This is
now/This is hope/This is the end of a
longing/The beginning of a road/To a
change/Where everything around you
no longer falling down/This is now/
This is now/Youre allowed to dream/
You can think of tomorrow/And you can
say goodbye/To all of your sorrow/
Thats the difference love can make/To
the hurt youve held within/This is
now/This is hope/This is the end of a
longing/The beginning of a road/To a
change/Where every chain around you
no longer has you bound/This is now/
This is Jesus/What youve been waiting
for/So open up/Hear the words/Your
life is lost no more/This is now/This
is hope/Beginning of a road/Where
every chain around you no longer has
is hope/This is Jesus/This is now