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Aja Daashuur – Shadow Of The Saints Lyrics

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[Lyrics for Aja Daashuur – Shadow Of The Saints]

Angels at my feet, asked me to take a seat
Got pulls on my hair, warns me to have a care
Mary knocks on my door asks, Who are you looking for?
Joseph wears a grin, tells me confess my sins

Walking in the shadow of the saints
Cant live up to the visions that they paint
An idols life is hard to twist and bend
But hopefully there will be a happy end

Father whispers in my ear, Sacrifice is very dear
Sister burns bright the torch, devils eye can surely scorch
Brother beats down his fist, Am I not on Gods list?
Magdalene bows her head, are all his teachings dead?

Walking in the shadow of the saints
Cant live up to the visions that they paint

An idols life is hard to twist and bend
But hopefully there will be a happy end

Sounds of rushing silk
Religion sucking up all our good earths milk
We reinvent out selves to be good as gold
But who can say for a fact that its ever saved a soul?

All I ask my town is to slowly look around
Must we seek what others have sought
Am I Judas because I get caught?
Let me plant my own seeds
Daughters put away your rosary beads
Must I be damned in hell
For not falling where others fell?

Walking in the shadow of the saints
Cant live up to the visions that they paint
An idols life is hard to twist and bend
But hopefully there will be a happy end