Take one
Heal my wounds
Cleanse my blood
Its too soon
For my life to be spilled into this mud
Cure my flesh
Rest my bones
I dont want to end my life
All broken and bodily torn
Sooth my mind
Ease my pain
Let me see the shores
Of my homeland once again
Come healing
Come strength
Valkyria grant me
A life of worthy length
And when it is time
Please bring me
To the Allfathers gate
I solemnly swore
I gave you my word
Before I left our home
I promised that I would return
You begged me to stay
To not leave you alone
I went anyway and you cursed
The day I was born
No promise I gave I have broken
Ive always been loyal and just
No words of lies I have spoken
So why did I earn your distrust
Come honour
Come trust
Valkyria grant me
The strength to keep my oaths
And when it is time
Please bring me
To the Allfathers hall