Cant think of anything to sing about
Not much out there to sing about
The worlds okay, the weathers fine
No need to sing about that
Ill sing about
Sponges yeah!
Sponges yeah yeah
Sponges suck, sponges suck
Sponges absorb liquid then you squeeze them out yeah!
Theres lots of songs of peace
Lots of songs of love
Even songs about peaches and Valkyries
No songs about
Tuna fish, tuna fish, tuna fish, tuna fish
Theyre real big and swim in oceans
Come in cans like hockey pucks
Tuna got their names cause they dont swim in pairs!
Get it? Tuna. Are there two of those fish? Nah! Two-nah! Two-nah! Its funny! Hee hee! No? I like tuna.
Sponges yeah!
Sponges yeah yeah
Sponges suck, sponges suck
Sponges suck, sponges suck
Sponges clean up dishes and sinks
And countertops and babys noses
They suck up soap and when you squeeze them out they make