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Babyshambles – Black Boy Lane Lyrics

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aint going back to black boy lane,
No I aint going back to black boy lane,
There must be some other way,
Because I aint going back to black boy lane,
Never again…

Do you think you can help?
Cant you make me a call?
Were so near to town,
I cant get nothing at all
Today, are you dancing today?

15 Track-suits coming up my lane,
15 Track-suits coming up my lane,

Theres the men the ones you must lay,
In which you must lay down and die,

Oh as opposed to strutting all day,
Strutting all night,
Strutting on brown,
Strutting on white,

All day,
Are you dancing today?

Ah theres a bullet there with my name,
So I aint going back to black boy lane,
Never, never again,

What about the fella you knew from sometime before,
In the house by the park with a cage on the door,
You phone and you say, are you dancing today?
Are we dancing today?