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Babyshambles – Penguins Lyrics

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I wanted to thank you so thats what Ill do
Thank you for just being you, for being born
For being born, for being you

Saturday night turned into to Sunday morning
Just like its supposed to
Everybodys gone, its just me and you
You can do what you like, go to the zoo

We could see monkeys, we could see snakes
We could see penguins, penguins are great

I step outside while hes raising some hell
He can play a guitar just like hes ringing a bell
Go go

I really dont like your boyfriends face
And I am going to try and take his place
I really dont like your boyfriends face
And I am going to try and take his place

Nobodys asking who you think that you are
Cause when the heebies met the jeebies
It was hurrah
It was hurrah

I wanted to thank you, thank you for the cue
For the cue
The cue to sigh and silently go