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Barenaked Ladies – Drawing Lyrics

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Theres a blueberry pancake flying in the sky
I can see it, I can see it
And theres a castle in the cloud and its floating on by
Can you see it? Can you see it?

With my imagination I can see it
With my pencil crayons I can draw it
On a piece of paper I can show it to you
I can show it to you

Theres a purple hippopotamus riding on a bike
I can see it, I can see it
Theres a spaceship over my house at night

I just know it, I just know it

With my imagination I can see it
With my pencil crayons I can draw it
On a piece of paper I can show it to you
I can show it to you

Draw, draw, drawing, na na na na na
Draw, draw, drawing, na na na na na
Na na na na na, na na na na na
Na na na na na

My imagination, my imagination
My pencil crayons, my imagination