1st period
Shiny ice intensive eyes its play-off time again
Chew that gum and clutch that stick its done to one last game
Three times twenty minutes full of blood and sweat and pain
Two teams left to battle and only one cup to claim
Wrestling in the crease score denied the period is coming to an end
Touch our goalie one more time and I swear youll never rise again
First intermission
2nd period
Highstick you right between the eyes you yank me in the face
Its kill or be killed them or us keep up the pace
Your legs all numb you gasp for air and still the game is tied
Get those laced up stinkfeet movinyoure sure youre gonna die
If so far you think this was as close youve been to hell
I suggest you better wait til the third period to tell
Second intermission
3rd period
Pass you long the boards 667 on my back
Better close those pads or I wil lrearrange your crack
Loose puck in the mid zone and Im crossing the red line
Shot deflected and it looks like overtime
Ill mish you gainst the plexi the end zone will be your grave
Try now to rise you bastard your blood warm on my blades
Third intermission
Hammered to the ice
Defeat is in your eyes
Out of blood and no more breath
This is sudden death