Oh, the cuckoo shes a pretty bird
She warbles as she flies
She never hollers coo coo till the fourth day of July
Gonna build me log cabin
On a mountain so high
So I can see Willie as he goes on by
Well, Ive played cards in Texas
And Ive played cards in Maine
Oh, Ill bet you five dollars Ill beat you next game
Jack of diamonds, jack of diamonds
Oh, I know you of old
You robbed my poor pockets of silver and gold
Rye whiskey, rye whiskey
Oh, I know you of old
You robbed my poor pockets of silver and gold
Sometimes I feel much younger
Sometimes I feel so old
Sometimes the warm sun shines
Sometimes its dreadful cold
Oh, the cuckoo shes a pretty bird
How I wish she was mine
She never drinks water she only drinks wine
Oh, the cuckoo shes a pretty bird
She warbles as she flies
She never hollers coo coo till the fourth day of July