If i stand up on the wall again
And looking round i see the mote in every eye
And the sky chokes up with dust
That spirals into black infinity and things
And I feel your heat
I feel it all around
Then take my hand
Fade into light
I feel the strain
And you say alright
These things will pass
Nothing can last
At least not like this I think
So how does it feel
Pulled apart by horses thats how I feel
How does it feel
Pulled apart, pulled apart by horses thats how I feel, feel, feel, feel…
If i called out all the places where
Brutality still stamps and tramples everything
And the dignity of peoples lives
Lives only in their eyes and in their suffering
For the third and second rate ideas
Whose time has been and gone
Then take my hand
Straighten me out
You say o.k.
But be in no doubt
These things exist because of our love
Of cheap ideology
So how does that feel
Pulled apart by horses thats how I feel
How does it feel
Pulled apart, pulled apart by horses thats how I feel, feel, feel, feel…