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Crosijan – Somewhere Beyond This Night Lyrics

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[Lyrics for Crosijan – Somewhere Beyond This Night]

Somewhere beyond this night man I know I know
There is a place where the sun shines for us n
Somewhere beyond this night man I know we gone
Yep we gone find was uns glcklich macht oh
Yeah yeah

A place where Im not surround by so many people that are
Always drunk and that are always high
Punks who deplete n drink up bottle after bottle
and take drug after drug,
Just to cope whit their lifes

I know somewhere, somewhere
Beyond this night theres got to be a place
Wo die Sonne scheint my man
A place where I can rest my head
And get a little bit a Farbe in der Fresse
You know I saying?

Im taking about a place
Where I dont constantly need
To grind my f*cking sword
And verify my shield
Cuz I got to be aware
Man I got to be ready
When these wanna be dark Vaders
Come up n try to attack me

you know what I man Im talking about a place
A place far far away from all drama all this pain
All this tragic all this sadness stress anger n madness
A place where I can einfach nur ma sleep well

Somewhere beyond this night man I know I know
There is a place where the sun shines for us n
Somewhere beyond this night man I know we gone
Yep we gone find was uns glcklich macht oh

I know it man I know it somewhere beyond this night
Somewhere Beyond all this trouble n efforts
All these fences n bone breaking battles with all sorts
N kinds of devils
There is a place a place where Im a get

Finitely n after all the chance to be happy
The chance to smile
U know what I mean ..
A place where I can find
Harmony n love und time
Keine Rolle spielt
Weil es einfach unmglich ist sie

dort zu vergeuden
Weil ich dort tu was mir spa macht
Mit freunden vor freude
Lach tanz und spa hab ohne auch nur eine Sekunde
Daran zu denken wie bitter trist hart und
beschissen dunkel es einmal
in meinem Leben war denn dann hab ich ja berwunden
dann is es nicht mehr dunkel, nein
dann bin ich endlich angekommen wo ich ankommen wollte
Unzwar somewhere beyond this night
da wo die Sonne fr mich scheint yo

Somewhere beyond this night man I know I know
There is a place where the sun shines for us n .
Somewhere beyond this night man I know we gone
Yep we gone find was uns glcklich macht oh .

I know it man I know
I know it man I know
I know it man I know
I know it man I know there got to a better place somewhere
Somewhere beyond this night
Somewhere beyond this night
Somewhere beyond this night
There is got to be a place wo die Sonne fr uns scheint
4 us
Yes 4 us
Yes Biatch
and thats why I walk
and hats why I fight cuz I know I know I know

Somewhere beyond this night man I know I know
There is a place where the sun shines for us N
Somewhere beyond this night man I know we gone
Yep we gone find was uns glcklich macht oh

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