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Drastic – Loneliness Lyrics

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[Lyrics for Drastic – Loneliness]

Behold her
That solitary maiden
Dancing and singing
A melancholy strain

In a voice so thrilling
There is a charm unknown
I’m leaving my flesh
I’m leaving my soul

I see her eyes
I love her smile
Finally I know
She’s mine

Breaking the silence
Of a thousand valleys
I have discovered
The magic in her voice

I have looked upon
That brilliant creature
And now,
My heart is sore

Lasts forever
We are bound
To die together

Il sole non e pi
Di un cielo senza te

Il mare un po’ piu blu
Che vive dentro me

Stele su di noi
Siamo soli
E dentro c’
Un calore che…
Una luce…

I sogni mentre noi
Siamo soli
E dentro c’
Una forza che…
Un potere…


Is still in my mind
Is still in my soul
Is still in my flesh
I’m reborn

Because I lied
Because I cried
Because I lived
Because I die

Rot inside
Pain is high
As I die
No one cries

Rot inside
Back to life
As I die
You are mine