Let me take your hat friend
Tell me whats the matter
Round here folks call me, The Mad Hatter
Thats Sad in the corner
With his heart on his sleeve
Talking to Regret whos never gonna leave
Over there playing pool is Fool and Lost
And tending bar tonight, thats All My Fault
We all just hang out and listen to Blues
Sing his songs, theres nothing else to do in
Since you said, Goodbye
Its been crazy, man
Lunatics, liars and also-rans
Waiting on her leaving to come back again
Here in Crazyland
Talking to yourself is the only plan
Giving up on your last give a damn
Here in Crazyland
Pick you out a stool, son
Ill buy the first round
Ill tell you how her leaving
Brought the whole house down
No, not that one, thats Sorrows
Hes over shaking hands with I Told You So
Thats Out Of His Mind that just walked in
Hes Ol Insanes new best friend
Its a whole damn room full of Losts whos whos
And you never know who youre gonna run into in
Since she said, Goodbye
Its been crazy, man
Lunatics, liars and also-rans
Waiting on her leaving to come back again
Here in Crazyland
Talking to yourself is the only plan
Giving up on your last give a damn
Here in Crazyland
I didnt catch your name, friend, sorry bout that
Sure nice to meet you, baby, please come back