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Ethereal Pandemonium – Elders Poem Lyrics

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[Lyrics for Ethereal Pandemonium – Elders Poem]

[Music by Nathuruss, Vidar, lyrics by Vidar]

Raised by the knowledge breaking the walls,
In spirit of darkness, falling asleep,
As prophets of coincidence, process of birth,
Falling too high, yet rising too deep.
The raging wolves with the jaws of glass
When questioning the wiser to step back,
By thoughts driven fear we shall rule,
Ours defend, foreign attack!
Samo reborn, the legions let march!
Wogastisburg of our hearts.
… Wogastisburg of our hearts…

Homewards, Vesna lead my steps
My lungs to fill with your breath,
On the wings of Phoenix, take me there,
Where solstices and thunder flare
All men as one, together hail…

Bleeding promises that failed…
Rebellion of no clues, the give and the loose,
Last requiem that failed…

We walked the same common path
Where am I supposed to find you now?
A poem for my lonesome wrath
How am I supposed to fight it now?

Combien faut-il de fois secouer mes grelots
Et baiser ton front bas, morne caricature?
Pour piquer dans le but, de mystique nature,
Combien, mon carquois, perdre de javelots?

Nous userons notre me en de subtils complots,
Et nous dmolirons mainte lourde armature,
Avant de contempler la grande Crature
Don’t l’infernal dsir nous remplit de sanglots!

Il en est qui jamais n’ont connu leur Idole,
Et ces sculpteurs damns et marqus d’un affront,
Qui vont se martelant la poitrine et le front,

N’ont qu’un espoir, trange et sombre Capitole!
C’est que la Mort, planant comme un soleil nouveau,
Fera s’panouir les fleurs de leur cerveau!