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Galactic Cowboys – Kaptain Krude Lyrics

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[Lyrics for Galactic Cowboys – Kaptain Krude]

Kaptain Krude
As performed by Galactic Cowboys
Written by Colvin/Doss/Huggins/Sonnier
Sailing on the ocean stewed, fell asleep while steering…Kaptain Krude! Had a
Bit too much of the brew, there is a rock approaching…Kaptain Krude!
Into the crystal water spewed, a liquid devistation…Kaptain Krude! Spilling
Black into the blue, why have the fish stopped swimming…Kaptain Krude!
Take a slide on the slick, take a swim and you’ll stick, take a ride with

Kaptain Krude!
Take a slide on the slick, take a swim and you’ll stick, take a ride with
Kaptain Krude!
Take a slide on the slick, take a swim and you’ll stick, take a ride with
Kaptain Krude!
Take a slide on the slick, take a swim and you’ll stick, take a ride with
Kaptain Krude!
Aye yai yai yai yai yai yai yai…Kaptain Krude! Aye aye aye aye aye…Kaptain
Krude! Aye aye aye aye aye aye!