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The sirens indicate death
Cadavers acquired with ease
The aftermath of mischance
I prey on such tragedy
Mangled flesh supreme
Fatalities and grief
Fragmented shards of bone
Sanguine cause and effect
A covert euthanasia spree
Leeching off the carnage
Meat wagon allure
Abusing the grievous outcome
Leeching stiffs in the aftermath
A Machiavellian approach
Total stealth invoked
Stalk the EMTs
Appropriate the corpses
A modern Burke and Hare
Grand theft fatality
Vile forensic deception
In the guise of assistance
A harvest of broken bodies
Bribe the paramedics
Ensure a tragic outcome
Mangled flesh supreme
Fatalities and grief
Leeching off the carnage
Meat wagon allure