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I dont know what to say when words get in the way,
Of what Im feeling.
Now, its not up to me to tell you how to be,
Only that Im sorry.
In your heart, a love is crying,
For what you want in me.
In my heart, a love is dying,
And drifting out to sea.
I dont wanna hurt anymore,
But it doesnt mean that I dont love you anymore.
We dont have to cry anymore,
Like a song out of time,
When the words dont rhyme.
Were down to our last one more time.
Dont be thinking its all you,
Ive made my mistakes too,
Its part of the growing.
But to grow in different ways means someones going away,
Someone is knowing
The time for starting over,
Is long overdue.
And in time we will discover,
That the love we had is true.