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Home » Explore Song Lyrics » Jerry Lee Lewis – Would You Take Another Chance On Me Lyrics

Jerry Lee Lewis – Would You Take Another Chance On Me Lyrics

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If I promise you to straighten up and put my life in order
If I swear to you woman on bended knees I wont hurt you again
If I become the kind of man that you want me to be
Would you take another chance on me
The good Lord knows Ive done you wrong Ive asked him to forgive me
Deep inside I think you would darlin if you could do the same
If I could take back all the things that caused you misery
Would you take another chance on me
Would you take another chance on me Ive paid for my mistakes
Would you take another chance on me or have I changed too late
Mhm Ive been a fool woman for hurting you but cant you see Im sorry
If only you were mine again Id make it up to you
But my past keeps blindin you if you could only see
Would you take another chance on me think about that darling