Charlies in the bathroom eating the tooth paste
Mummas in the kitchen getting off her face
Dads in the basement playing with knives
While Lilys in the dog house eating my house
Carries in the bedroom talking to no one
Lilys in the laundry hiding from a thunder storm
Dads in the basement playing with knives
While Lilys in the doghouse eating the flies
When will the boys, come around to play
And when will she kiss me, will I be ok
Im in the paper looking for a job
Connor is in the sailboats running from the sharks
Well Julies in Ireland thinking shes a lepricaun
Kerrys back at school cause
someones got her grades wrong…at my house
Jared thinks he is Dr Evil
And Wesleys hair is Evil Knevil
Well I think Mark talks to much
Back ..When ..My.. Jeans ..Were.. Still.. Blue.
And ..I.. Had.. The.. Hell.. Spikey ..Do
We ..Could ..Take ..Two.. Parties.. In ..One Night
Add.. Nine ..Scoops.. of ..Hibiscus ..Delight
And we were young And free….you and me.