A young cowboy named Billy Joe grew restless on the farm
A boy filled with wanderlust who really meant no harm
He changed his clothes and shined
His boots and combed his dark hair down
And his mother cried as he walked out
Dont take your guns to town son
Leave your guns at home, Bill
Dont take your guns to town
He laughed, and kissed his mom, and said, your Billy Joes a man
I can shoot as quick, and straight as anybody can
But I wouldnt shoot without a cause Id gun nobody down
But she cried again as he rode away
Dont take your guns to town son
Leave your guns at home Bill
Dont take your guns to town
He sang a song as on he rode his guns hung at his hips
He rode into a cattle town, a smile upon his lips
He stopped, and walked into a bar, and laid his money down
But his mothers words echoed again
Dont take your guns to town son
Leave your guns at home Bill
Dont take your guns to town
He drank his first strong liquor then to calm his shaking hand
And tried to tell himself at last he had become a man
A dusty cowpoke at his side began to laugh him down
And he heard again his mothers words
Dont take your guns to town son
Leave your guns at home Bill
Dont take your guns to town
Filled with rage then, Billy Joe reached for his gun to draw
But the stranger drew his gun and fired before he even saw
As Billy Joe fell to the floor, the crowd all gathered round
And wondered at his final words
Dont take your guns to town son
Leave your guns at home Bill
Dont take your guns to town