You dont write, and I been waitin for your call
You say you busy, baby, but is that really all
Maybe its just the loneliness thats driving me insane
When you used to play, or is it just a game
If its so, then we were meant to be
Then why, oh why, did you go away
And leave me blue…oh
You dont write
No, you dont write
You dont write, dont gimme no excuse
Sick and tired of alla your abuse
So dont say you love me when youre miles and miles away
Cuz when the cats away, the mice pretend to play
If its so, then we were meant to be
Then why, oh why, did you go away
And leave me blue…oh
You dont write
Oh, you dont write
uke break
You dont write, dont gimme no excuse
Im sick and tired of alla your abuse
So dont say you love me when youre miles and miles away
Cuz when the cats away, the mice pretend to play
If its so, then we were meant to be
Then why, oh why, did you go away
And leave me blue…oh
You dont write
Me anymore
You hardly call me on the phone
Im all alone
Wont you come on home
No, you dont write…
No, you dont write
Oh, you dont write…
No, you dont write