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Kevin Welch – Some Kind Of Paradise Lyrics

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His daddy said when he was a baby
He was impossible to hold
Hed fuss and fight and then hed giggle all night
Terrify the whole household

But hed listen to his betime stories
He believed what he was told
About gypsy camps, saddle tramps
And rainbow gold

He had about a million questions
Liked to drove everybody wild
Hed ask them stuff that was just too tough
They all told him, hush up child

So it came as no surprise
When he left his home so young
Looking for some kind of paradise
I dont know what else he could have done

He was a scholar
Though he never really went to school
He stood amazed at the worlds ways
And he followed the golden rule

He knew a little bit about everything
He could pretty much guess the rest
And he always seemed to know what you mean
If you took him in your confidence

Now most people run around in circles
But he ran a real straight line
The only thing wrong was that before too long
He left everyone who loved him behind

So it came as no surprise
When he left his home so young

Looking for some kind of paradise
Looking for something that he hadnt already done

Well he got to be hard to keep track of
Everybody was a little confused
And then one time the old grapevine
Whispered the strangest news

Now maybe he didnt mean to do it
I understand it if youve got your doubts
But I got a good idea that the coast was clear
And he figured hed just bust on out

Now friends Im not saying that it was a good thing
Im not saying that it makes much sense
I just know that he was the kind to cross every line
Jump every single last fence

So it comes as no surprise
That he left his home so young
Still looking for some kind of paradise
The fool thought he had to go all the way to kingdom come

The only thing that I really wonder about now
Keeps running across my mind
If he ever caught his breath between his birth and death

If he ever caught his breath between birth and death
I swear I dont know where he ever found the time

Some kind of paradise