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Home » Explore Song Lyrics » Khanate – Release Lyrics

Khanate – Release Lyrics

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Ive got a bone to pick
Maybe its yours
Someone said
If you worked hard enough
Ran fast enough
Learned enough
You would amount to something
Trying is not enough
Ill hold you way too long
Its cold when I touch you
A release
And everything you are is on the ground
Broken open and spilling
Leaves soak they drink
You are blood
Thats all
Trying is not enough
Ill hold you way too long
Its cold when Im near you
A release
And everything you are is on the ground
You are blood
Thats all
Trying is not enough
Ill hold you way too long
Its cold when youre down
And everything you are is on the ground
Broken, opened and spilling
Leaves soak they drink
You are blood
Thats all
Trying is not enough
I dragged you too far down
Its cold when I release blood

A release
And everything you are is on the ground
Broken open and spilling
Leaves soak they drink
Trying is not enough
I held you way too long
Its cold when Im near you
A release
And everything you are is on the ground
And everything you are is broken
Opened and spoiled the body
Trying is not enough
And there I am above you
I wont let go
Its cold when you are down
Its cold when I touch you
And there I am above you
Opened and spoiled
You were blood nothing more
Leaves were soaked
You were blood thats all
Opened and spoiled the body
You are blood nothing more
Its cold when I release blood
Its cold when youre down
Ill hold you way too long
I wont let go
Its cold when birds fall from the sky
Its cold when Im near you
Trying is not enough