Somebodys calling me to be my girl
Somebodys calling me to be my girl
But my hands dont work theyre more like feet
And the wake-up call, go back to sleep
Babe, come with me
And Ill take you to the place I sleep
Oh, darling, come with me
And Ill show you the place I sleep
Somebodys phoning me to be my girl
Somebodys phoning me to be my girl
But the phone wont ring when Im on the street
And the heart wont beat when Im half asleep
Somebodys texting me to be my girl
Constantly texting me to be my girl
But the text wont take away nights that creep
And my mouth wont move when Im in too deep
Babe, come with me
And Ill take you to the place I sleep
Oh, darling, come with me
And Ill show you the place I sleep
All right
Somebodys calling me into their work
Wrapped up and full of good inside their work
But the car wont start when Im half asleep
And the kids dont cry when youre on your feet
Babe, come with me
And Ill show you the place I sleep
Oh, darling, come with me
And Ill take you to the place I live
The place I live
The place I live
The place I live
The places where I live