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Lil – Trob A Love Chance Lyrics

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I know. I know. Its rough and tough. Weve been through–been through– enough to much already but will you stand by me?
Cuz baby you know. You know. No one goin show you the right way to go. Im goin be the right there. If you goin stand for me. Ill stand for you.

So unexpected. The way our paths crossed through. You see my life was ok but great. Till I met you. Ya I saw you just sittin there and my heart skipped a beat. Didnt know what I should say and I couldnt move my feet. So I thought to myself man I should step up. Open my mouth. Stop and say wassup. When I was talkin to ya I was in a daze just amazed. I felt blazed cuz your eyes had me trapped like in a maze. Didnt think it really mattered till I finally seen you smile. Then once I heard you laugh I knew I had to stay a while. And its crazy to think bout how you got me so sprung. But I aint sayin Im in love just that Im all wrapped. Didnt think I had a chance or that youd fall for the bait. But it turned out you had me caught. Shot. Hung up and made. So if this is such a crime then tell me bout the price to pay hey.

I know. I know. Its rough and tough. Weve been through — been through — enough to much already but will you stand by me?
Cuz baby you know. You know. No one goin show you the right way to go. Im goin be the right there. If you goin stand for me. Ill stand for you.

After that first kiss. My first summertime bliss. Ive been afraid to let go. Afraid of what I might miss. So we been goin gainst the rules and we been sneakin around. Cuz all your friends be sayin we be wrong if we get down. And ya we started off bad. People droppin games and givin names—you—being busted by fools that was so lame. It aint the same though. We gotten better fosho. We getting closer you know. I aint never letting you go. Weve come to far in this time. Through all our fights and lies. Towards all your friends and mine. Ive bruised my love with pride and taken chances for romances all that shit turned out the same — in flames — But that aint the way Ill say I see us goin if you stay. So take a chance now. Baby be mine its time for me to show you. How you can shine how you can shine. Hey.

I know. I know. Its rough and tough. Weve been through — been through — enough to much already but will you stand by me?
Cuz baby you know. You know. No one goin show you the right way to go. Im goin be the right there. If you goin stand for me. Ill stand for you.

It like when ever I be seein you. We never chance to speak. But just trust the way things are. Aint how I planned to be. So take a time here. Please chill just let me say one thing. Let me speak my peace. Awwwwww here it go 1… 2… 3… Ok I know we got some doubters shit-talkers and frowners. But we can handle that we couldve blocked out our surroundens. I aint up to let it go. Guess you dont care to let it flow. So either way Im here to stay. Whether you get it or you dont. N trust I get your heart is takin but when will you finally see. Im in love with who you are. He only loves who you can be. And I dont know what else to say. Cept that one day you will get. He was a fool a waste of time. Hell be the one that you regret. And all Ill do is stare at you the way I did when you left. Shakin my head hopin your heart aint broken straight in half. So Ill just sit back and wait. Cuz aint

Nothing I can do. Ya Ill just chill and be patient till you get that you my boo.

I know. I know. Its rough and tough. Weve been through–been through– enough to much already but will you stand by me?
Cuz baby you know. You know. No one goin show you the right way to go. Im goin be the right there. If you goin stand for me. Ill stand for you.

I dont think you get the feelin. The one down in my gut. The one that says to keep holdin on. Dont let her go wassup? See I saw heart break from the start but didnt think itd come this far. This whole time felt like my heart done stop. Cant say I know who you are. See he be yellin and fightin aint trust a word that you say. But still you cry cover a lie then turn round say its ok. I tried my best to make it work I gave you all that I got. But I guess that wasnt nough cuz I turn round see now youre gone. And ya Ive tried to let go. Move onforget your name. All my life thats how I rolled. But for you it aint the same. I see you every where I go. When I here your name I freeze up. Cant stand to here bout all your shit makes me just wanna knock him out! And you know I know its hard. And I know you know whats best. But you know I treat you better. Way better then all the rest. See cuz you been lookin at the wrong thing. So here. Ill give a toast. Its not about who you known longer no its bout who loves you most

I know. I know. Its rough and tough. Weve been through — been through — enough to much already but will you stand by me?
Cuz baby you know. You know. No one goin show you the right way to go. Im goin be the right there. If you goin stand for me. Ill stand for you.