If i make allowaces
Im fine with separate, and see-how-it-is
If you think its good
Do they make flowers for this
What color means you dont care how she lives
Id expect just a little bit.
Me, i wouldnt trade
Me, i wouldnt trade for what youre made of
Lover becomes secretive
Dont ask
I wont tell
Well see how it is
If you say its good
Do they make flowers for this
What color means you dont care how she is
Id expect just a little bit.
Me, i wouldnt trade
Me, i wouldnt trade for what youre made of
Did i try too hard loving
Crush the bird youre holding
Me, i wouldnt trade
Me, i wouldnt trade for what youre made of compasses
What i want sometimes is a roof somewhere
The same one each time, like a real woman
Home, to be home
To be home
Like a black sea turtle swimming back
Sailors who sail without compasses
Right, to be right
To be right
If the stars stick why cant i
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