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Lullatone – Good Morning Melody Lyrics

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In the early morning
While Im still half-sleepy
Sun is rising
And I hear Mom sing, Doo, doo
Winds whispering
Head to the floor I feel it
Bird starts to sing good morning now,
Doo, doo
Mmm, doo doo doo
My mind starts racing
It hears the birds singing
Dont be sleepy
The sun is rising up to me
Wake up, wake up
Get up, sleepyhead
Its time for you to get out of bed
Make some, some coffee
And toast, toast some bread
Splish-splash some water
And comb your bedhead
Brush brush your teeth
And wash wash your face
Put on some clothes
And get to some place
Get out the door
Get on, on your way
Its time for you to start, start your day.
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la
In the the early morning
While Im still half-sleepy
Thats me.
Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up