Dreams are still alive
They dont ever die
Close your eyes and imagine it right now
We got to keep dreaming we giving life meaning
Staying clear of the lies
I wasnt suppose to be here, compose and flow here
Perform for your ears saying ah yeahs
My dream was to skate, Cali calling my name
Whod a thought my foot would break, me limping in pain?
I ate my own pride, when I started to rhyme
Mamma told me ye got to grow up cant skate all your life
Picture me history is shaping me sifting me,
Changing me to a man, Xing out all my plans
Not what I wanted my dreams was so different
I deal with what Im giving not trying to be him or him
Dreams are still alive
They dont ever die
Close your eyes and imagine it right now
We got to keep dreaming we giving life meaning
Staying clear of the lies
I used to fantasize a lot about what I dont got
Chick on my arm even a necklace with a cross
I didnt have money, No dad and only mommy
To raise two kids, even my toes looked funny
I thought I missed out when really Im on clouds
I did my work while all my friends went out
I didnt party much I think I touched drugs once
My buddies all laughing at me about that Christ Jesus stuff
Now if you seen us how the cards of switched hands
They sleep at their parents while Im living in first class
Every night Id always pray to God for tomorrow
Whod thought Id be married lying next to a model
Crazy how I elevated everyday celebrating
Dreams do come true exercise patience
Life is kind a bitter aint it, its full a pain and changes
Parking tickets that tick us off and leave you tainted
Heart pumping, your thinking of jumping
Devils hunting dont do it cousin
You dont know what is forth coming
Brighter days a higher raise
Light the fire play the game
Regroup or hide ye face
Thats why Im authentic thats why ye need effort
Credit is deserved, I re-worked my world
If everything worked out the way I first wanted
Id a married the wrong chick and Id been stuck think
Lifes embarrassed ye, laughed and stared at ye
In the end it only builds up your character
You know what Im saying man, everybodys got an opinion in this industry
You got to just do what you know, dont let know one tell you nothing, hold on to your dreams and feel it go for it