Ive been bored like the bears, lounging at the zoo.
But this thing weve started, It is rare and new
Ive seen the wooden bird, hang from your ceiling.
The scars on your body, leaving me wanting.
I have felt your fingers press against my throat.
Ive held my hand inside, your jacket in the cold.
I done need some action too seriously
Alright here we go.
One, the reasons fun, I mean one the reasons fun.
I mean I ran the race and won
Ive been up and Ive been down, I mean operation found
I mean one the reasons fun, Im gonna give you something fun.
Take a pyramid. And its three sides.
We are standing there, On the bottom line
Where the sides they bind is the all seeing eye.
This is the great seal. The great seal divine.
The devil is in the details, if you are ready
The devil is in the details, if you are ready
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