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Memory Tapes – Sheila Lyrics

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Sheila was the one who thought she could remember
Stood on the outside
She would never call… theres no time!
Get into the car, doesnt even answer, turn up the light
Dont wanna hear her voice, we made a choice
Lets drive all night!
Sheila was the one, I couldnt even ask her
If she was alright
This isnt you and I, its not even… in my head,
Its just last time
…empty passes and broken lies

I cant tell when you cry and when you smile
The radio always beats so, they tell us lies
Sheila was the one, you thought she could forget her
Staying from the outside
Just when it wasnt like the rest of… is best in time
I would never call and she would never answer
That was alright!
This wasnt you and I, dont even try this, no goodbyes!
.Never had to make it out
I know you thought I was sad to stay.
All the hours run and you just…
Im sorry anyways