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Morcheeba – Blue Chair Lyrics

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Hes back
Hes back

Im not asking you stay forever
A few numbers on a dial
Long enough to see the sun down
Long enough to slow it down

Take hold of your pain
Let it fly
Theres no shame
Stand still
This time
Close the door
For a moment you are mine

Here in my blue chair
Its safe and warm
Ill show you where Hes back
Here in my blue chair
Grab the velvet arms around you and surround you
You can hide in there Hes back

Close your eyes you can be back here
Close enough for you to see
That somewhere
You want it
Take it all
I got all you ever need

Here in my blue chair
Its safe and warm
Ill show you where Hes back
Here in my blue chair
Grab the velvet arms around you and surround you
You can hide in there Hes back

Here in my blue chair
Its safe and warm
Ill show you where Hes back
Here in my blue chair
Grab the velvet arms around you and surround you
You can hide in there Hes back

Hes back
Hes back
Hes back