A ghost sneaks around
A ghost sneaks around
All the old powers
Are called about
To straighten and firm
Those presets of sound
Against the non-linear language of the unbound
A ghost sneaks around
A ghost
All the old powers
All the old powers
MC power
MC power
All the old powers
All the old powers
MC power
MC power
A ghost
MC power
MC power
The free, the self defined,
The anti-cliche
The radical connector
Of the non-linearity
The principle of difference hold things apart
We shrink and we grow
A natural art
To straighten things up
Is the power card
Played against the infinite start
All the old powers
All the old powers
MC power
MC power
All the old powers x8
We shrink
We shrink
We shrink
We shrink
We shrink
And we grow
We shrink
We shrink
And we grow