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Mudvayne – Dead Inside Lyrics

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I dont feel good Just an ordinary day
I dont care muchabout what you think

It all washes away in the end Under skies so gray in the end
Were all
Dead inside, cant deny what is real, the pain I feel.
Dead inside, cant deny always suffering, its just my way.

Ive seen enough No more hurt today
All damage is done No more life this way.

It all washes away in the endUnder skies so gray in the end
Were all
Dead inside, cant deny what is real, the pain I feel.

Dead inside, cant deny always suffering, yeah.

Every single onefrom every single way
All they do is drag me down, and I know itll never change.
Every drop of blood flows right down the drain
though I spilt it all for you, you never appreciate, never
appreciate Were all

Dead inside, cant deny what is real, the pain I feel.
Dead inside, cant deny always suffering, its just my way. 2x