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Home » Explore Song Lyrics » New Disorder – Sick Feeling As You Lyrics

New Disorder – Sick Feeling As You Lyrics

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Follow the sound
through the ground
bruised by a voice
inside the grave Im trapped in…
Look back towards the tracks
youve left along the way
cleanse insane love you just
put aside…

Feel the cold embrace of spare time…
when the mood is let down…

same old sick memory
you turn around just to feel the thrill
running on the highways of my head…
wish I was far from the way Im in
I wish I was the same I used to be…

Follow the sun

along the sky
turn your face and get ready
when light is out…
Cuz hate and love
make hearts beat in the same ways
blame it on yourself
when youre feeling fine…

Feel the coldness of winters blow…
everywhere you go…

You turn around just to feel the thrill
you come and play the same old game as you did
you kill the pain, you delete the feelings
get ready for the future you blew away……..
get ready for the future you blew away……..