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Whoa! Hey! Whats goin on?
Im trying to read the Bible, whats wrong?
Satan was attackin you all night long?
Hey, I could write a song!
Accept Jesus please
If you do, your life will be at ease
Dont start a game called What If?
Itll be the best thing you ever did
O.K., Im back in the picture
You need some help? Well, sure!
Of course Id like to help a friend
Im tellin you, it wont be the end
It may feel like it now
But it wont later. Ill show you how
Its O.K. to be different than the crowd
You better shout His name. You better shout it loud!
Dont be a roadrunner
You cant be a roadrunner!
You know why?
God has a plan!
What? You say He doesnt?
You were meant to be!
No, I wasnt!
Im telling the truth! Trust me!