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Regina Spektor – Genius Next Door Lyrics

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Read Time:1 Minute, 16 Second

Some said the local lake had been enchanted
Others said it must have been the weather
The neighbors were trying to keep it quiet
But I swear that I could hear the laughter

So they joke and they nicknamed it The porridge
Cause over night that lake had turned as thick as butter
But the local kids would still go swimming, drinking
Saying that to them it doesnt matter

If you just hold in your breath till you come back up in full
Hold in your breath till youve thought it through, you fool

The genius next door was bussing tables
Wiping clean the ketchup bottle labels
Getting high and mumbling German fables
Didnt care as long as he was able

To strip his clothes off by the dumpsters
At night while every one was sleeping

And wade midway into that porridge
Just him and the secret, he was keeping

If you just hold in your breath till you come back up in full
Hold in your breath till youve thought it through, you foolish child

In the morning the film crews start arriving
With donuts, coffee and reporters
The kids were waking up hung over
The neighbors were starting up their cars

The garbageman were emptying the dumpsters
Atheists were praying full of sarcasm
And the genius next door was sleeping
Dreaming that the antidote is orgasm

If you just hold in your breath till you come back up in full
Hold in your breath till youve thought it through, you foolish child