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Saltnpepa – Ill Take Your Man Lyrics

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Read Time:3 Minute, 40 Second

Salt and Pepas back, and we came to out rap you
So get out my face before I smack you
Ho, dont you know? Cant you understand?
If you mess with me Ill take you man

Well Ill take your man right out the box
And put him under my padlocks
So when you see us together chillin in the place
Cold walkin and sportin him in your face
Go ahead roll your eyes, suck your teeth
Keep huffin and puffin like a dog in heat
You can call me a crook, a robber, a thief
But Ill be your butcher if you got beef
You know whats up – I aint no poo-putt
Cuz Pepa kick butts off dumb, young bucks like you
And the rest of your crew
If moms want static Ill dis her, too
So scram you know who I am
Damn, chick, dont play me, punk cuz Ill take your man

Ill take your man whenever I feel like it
This aint a threat or a bet, its a damn promise
From me to you, your sex lifes through
If you get another lover, Ill take him, too
All I have to do is say a rhyme or two
And hell hop and leave you like a kangaroo
Ill make him heel for me even steal for me
His mother and father hed kill for me
Thats what you get for trying to play smart
Now take a hike with that slayed-up heart
Girl, you dont know if youre comin or goin
Look at your face – your jealousys growin and showin
Dont get mad – you dont have the right
I throw below solo but ladylike on the mic
Psyche is where I win my battles
Ill handle you like a baby with a rattle
Dont make me prove to you that I can
Either give him up or get slammed – Ill take your man

Ill take your man, thats right but just for spite
Because you tried to dis me when I was on the mic
But I really dont want him, the guy aint fly, shoot
He cant afford to buy a Fila suit
Runs the same old gear, never has fresh wear
What he whispered in my ear I cant repeat here
I dont wanna seem to be so damn mean
But youre the hippiest critter I ever seen
Before I got on the stage you wished me good luck
Turned around and told your friends I suck
Well look at you now – you aint got nobody
Searching for love in a fifth of Bicardi
You look bad, girl, you look like youre dying
Aint no use in crying – Ill take your man

Yo, Cher, school this fool!
Ill take your man, your fiancee, your husband
You aint Alice, this aint Wonderland
And when I say I will you know I can
Dont mess with me cuz Ill take your man

Ill take your man anytime, at the drop of a dime
Cuz hes rappin and strappin so hard on mine
Everywhere I turn, everywhere I look
The brothers eyein me down, hes staring down my throat
But hes a ducker sucker, soft-hearted punk
Goin skiing for skeezers, stunts for blunt
So thats why yall have so many things in common
Him for just robbin, you for lap slobbin
I never ever went out my way to get played
Keeping guys like yours held down at bay
You know I can, I got the upper-hand
Tramp, you dont stand a chance cuz Ill take your man

Most girls have guys thats good to go
But yours is slow – hes a freakin a-hole
The fact still stands, theres no change in plans
Yo, Pepa, your wish is my command!
Now you know, you know Ill take your… man

Check him out, you see what I mean?
Hes leading the pack as the fellas scream
Go, Sandy! Get busy! Go, Sandy! Get busy!
Its so easy to make em fall for me, Heather
No man can resist Salt and Pepa
Because were perfect from head to toe
Its not speculation – your man says so
Revenge is sweet but paybacks a trip
Girlfriend, you wont know which is which
But Ill tell you this Dont try to answer this jam
Because if you do then Ill take your…
And Ill take your…
And well take your man