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Sea Of Treachery – Raise The Banner Lyrics

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I tried so hard
to find solace.
Instead i found
I had one chance
to learn from mistakes
that I had once made.

One more decision that
will come to haunt me.
Resort to violence and
it will get hard to see
through the eyes of an
unsuspecting victim.
Blinded by fear and prejudice,
I failed to see you bleeding
in my foolish state.

I failed to find a
problem in my ignorant stage.

It was such a tragic
tale of your aggression
that you entrenched

yourself with a gun.

I tried so hard
to blaze a path,
to make things right
and prosperous.

Ill raise the banner
against intolerance.
Ill fight against
those who preach ignorance.
A culture of horrors,
a nation led by fear.
It must cease to be,
or we are doomed.

we must walk the
path to enlightment,
but yet you are
so unwilling.
If you dont give,
if you dont acquiesce
we are destined,
destined to repeat our mistakes.