Take a deep breath and let it out. This is the conversation weve been running from. So whats left to question now? Do you really believe that youre the only one who wants to know a hope to hold? Its still your choice to listen to the still small voice. So dont go. Im begging dont do this. Were gonna get through this fight tonight. These Angels around you will carry you through this life. I cant explain everything as you sit back and remain unmoved, because nothing seems to change. Youre still the same skeptic seeking out the proof you need to know before you let go. Its still your choice to listen to the still small voice. I dont know what else Im supposed to say, but Im willing to listen all the same. It doesnt matter now because you have your way. It doesnt matter now because youve got me to blame. Its just too easy for you to walk away. Youre never alone. Hold onto hope.
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