Laboured over these words too long
And nothing to behold
Wanted it to be special for you
But its just a song
Wanted it to lay close to your heart
And say, Darling, I was wrong
I wanted it to say something so special and true
I wanted it to cut deeper and darker for you
I wanted it to show wisdom where honestys due
Open up and bleed
I laboured over this life too long
Theres nothing to behold
I wanted it to be better for you
A minute down the road
I wanted it to go straight to your heart
And say Darling, I was wrong
I wanted it to say something so special and true
I wanted it to cut deeper and darker for you
I wanted it to show reason where honestys due
Open up and bleed
Open up and bleed
Lay it down, lay it down and let it bleed
Lay it down, lay it down
Lay it down and let it bleed
Lay it down, lay it down
Lay it down and let it bleed
Lay it down, lay it down
Lay it down and let it bleed
Come on, come on, come on and
Lay it down, lay it down
Lay it down and let it bleed
Come on, come on, come on and
Lay it down, lay it down
Lay it down and let it bleed
Come on, come on, come on and
Lay it down, lay it down
Lay it down and let it bleed
Come on, come on, come on and
Lay it down, lay it down
Lay it down and let it bleed