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All is as you want it to be
The light far off youll see
The light far off youll see
No lack of novelty
for us two
Drown out what you deserve
Its your own loss you serve
You sealed the book with lies
Dont be worried
I wont
Give up
On you and me
Im sure theres nothing to bless
I swear our dreams wont be repressed
Tell me in one hundred years
Will you remember your fears
Tears you havent seen
over you
Try to change the clock, the signs
Stay behind the line
Behind the field of time
Dont be worried
I wont
Give up
On you and me
Im sure theres nothing to bless
I swear our dreams wont be repressed
I Swear I wont Give up on you and me
Im sure theres nothing to bless
I swear our dreams wont be repressed