Now heres a little story, Ive got to tell
About three bad brothers, you know so well
It started way back in history
With Adrock, M.C.A., and me, Mike D.
Been had a little horsy named Paul Revere
Just me and my horsy and a quart of beer
Riding across the land, kicking up sand
Sheriffs posse on my tail cause Im in demand
One lonely Beastie I be
All by myself, with nobody
The sun is beating down on my baseball hat
The air is gettin hot, the beer is getting flat
Lookin for a girl, I ran into a guy
His name is M.C.A., I said, Howdy, he said, Hi
He told a little story, that sounded well rehearsed
Four days on the run and that hes dying of thirst
The brew was in my hand, and he was on my tip
His voice was hoarse, his throat was dry, he asked me for a sip
He said, Can I get some?
I said, You cant get none!
Had a chance to run
Pulled out his shotgun
Quick on the draw, I thought Id be dead
He put the gun to my head and this is what he said,
Now my name is M.C.A., Ive got a license to kill
I think you know what time it is, its time to get ill
Now what do we have here, an outlaw and his beer
I run this land, you understand, I make myself clear.
We stepped into the wind, he had a gun, I had a grin
You think this storys over but its ready to begin
Now, I got the gun, you got the brew
You got two choices of what you can do
Its not a tough decision as you can see
I can blow you away or you can ride with me I said,
Ill ride with you if you can get me to the border
The sheriffs after me for what I did to his daughter
I did it like this, I did it like that
I did it with a whiffleball bat
So Im on the run, the cops got my gun
And right about now, its time to have some fun
The King Adrock, that is my name
And I know the fly spot where they got the champagne.
We rode for six hours then we hit the spot
The beat was a bumping and the girlies was hot
This dude was staring like he knows who we are
We took the empty spot next to him at the bar
M.C.A. said, Yippe Yo, you know this kid?
I said, I didnt., but I know he did
The kid said, Get ready cause this aint funny
My names Mike D. and Im about to get money.
Pulled out the jammy, aimed it at the sky
He yelled, Stick em up!, and let two fly
Hands went up and people hit the floor
He wasted two kids that ran for the door
Im Mike D. and I get respect
Your cash and your jewelry is what I expect
I had your mom last night and she was a drag
So slut 1 and slut 2 is who i bagged
M.C.A. was with it and hes my ace
So I grabbed the piano player and I punched him in the face
The piano players out, the music stopped
His boy had beef, and he got dropped
Mike D. grabbed the money, M.C.A. snatched the gold
I grabbed two girlies and a beer thats cold.