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Talking Heads – Uhoh Love Comes To Town Lyrics

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Read Time:1 Minute, 11 Second

Wait, wait for the moment to come
Stand up, stand up and take my hand
Believe, believe in mystery
Love, love is simple as 1-2-3

Im a know-it-all, Im the smartest man around
Thats right
You learn real fast through the smartest girl in town

So, here a riddle
Here come a clue
If you were really smart
Youd know what to do when I say

Jump back, sit back, get back, relax, its ok
Ive called in sick, I wont go to work today
Id rather be with the one I love
Ive neglected my duties
Id be in trouble but
Ive been to college
Ive been to school
Ive met the people that you read about in books

Here come a riddle
Here come a clue
If you were really smart
Youd know what to do when I say
Jet pilot gone out of control
Ship captain on the ground
Stock broker make a bad investment
When love has come to town

Where, where is my common sense?
How did I get in a jam like this?
Believe, I believe in mystery
Love, love, love, love is simple as 1-2-3

Here come a riddle
Here come a clue
If you were really smart
Youd know what to do when I say
Why am I going out of my head
Whenever youre around?
The answer is obvious
Love has come to town