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So Mr. Par
Oola oola
What were the skies like when you were young?
We white clothes
Jump in the boolin clothes
Blue space, white clothes
Jump in the boolin clothes
Jump in gotta rain
Jump in gotta rain boo
Shinning sun.
Blue skies there will be a clash
Unlease there will be the punk
Return and we will be the monk
Unsave to the funk
I fron con the conk
Coat the funk
Cause all the junk
And I trait in the monk
Monk le monk
Funk le funk
And Punk le punk
And Jump le Junk
We all know a junkie
Give us the monki
We all know junkie
Give us the animal
Give us the lion
Erggghh erghhh
Give us the lion
Do us the lion
Use the jungle
Give us the trees
The trees
The breeze
The trees
The rain
And so on…
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