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Tim Hawkins – Irritating Lyrics

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Read Time:1 Minute, 25 Second


Goes like this


Thats just the way it is


Hey, hey – why does my voice sound like this?

Yeah, you… can you make it sound normal again, please?

Not spoken
Im out
Drivin in my car
Im not
Goin very far
Bummed out
Cuz I forgot all my CDs
And MP3s
So I turn
On the radio
Hope I
Hear a song I know
But each
Time I do I hear this song
And its so wrong

Give it a rest
You sound like a pest
Youre tryin to be cool
Youre in middle school
If I had a chace
Id ask Avrille Vigne –

Tell me
Whyd ya have to go and write a song so irritating?
I know that when I
Hear it some 20 times a day it gets me frustrated
When I hear you

And you nag
And you whine
And you wheeze
And you scream
And youre bad
And I dont think I
Ever never really hear a song that I so much hated

Oh, no

Whyd ya have to go and write a song so irritating?
I know that I just
Feel like Im gonna heave every time they play it
I hate it when you
And you nag
And you whine
And you wheeze
And you scream
And youre bad
And I dont think I
Ever never really heard a song so overrated

Oh, no

Hey… exuse – yeah… My – my voice is doing that again… Yeah… No – no… no Im not, Im… No Im not, Im not telling – Im not critiquing you, okay, I just… can you make it… normal?… wait… dont… where are you going??? Wait… hey, come back!!!…..