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Toni Basil – Shoppin From A To Z Lyrics

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Good girls shop, bad girls shop
Shopping, shopping from A to Z
Good girls shop, bad girls shop

Good girls shop, bad girls shop
Shopping, shopping from A to Z
Good girls shop, bad girls shop
Shopping, shopping, shopping
Shopping, shop, shopping

I went shopping
With a list from A to Z
Everything I needed
For a happy family

Walked through the doors
Give the box boy a smile
Grabbed a silver buggy
And I boogied down the aisle

I got A apple B banana
C chili d dog food

Snapped up the frozen food
Chicken pot pie
Rolling through the produce
Thats a better buy

Satisfied the munchies
With an open bag of chips
Lady with the samples says
Try it with this dip

Its good with E eggplant
F fish G garlic H hairspray
I ice J junkfood
K ketchup L liver

Go shopping from A to Z
I go shopping from A to Z
I go shopping from A to Z
I go shopping, shopping, shopping
Shopping, shop, shopping

Good girls shop, bad girls shop
Shopping, shopping from A to Z
Good girls shop, bad girls shop

Standing in the line and
The checker said to me
If you wanna cash a check
I need two pieces of Id

Someone stole my coupons
So I said, forget the flour
They copied down my number
Said, Ill call you in an hour

M matzoh N nuts
O onion P pizza
Q qiuche R relish
S soap T tuna

I go shopping from A to Z
I go shopping from A to Z
I go shopping from A to Z
I go shopping, shopping, shopping
Shopping, shop, shopping

U undies V veal
W wieners X nothing
Y yams Z zippers

Oh, no, I lost my list
Oh, uh uh, aww
I wonder if Ive
Forgotten anything

Ooh, lets see, what was
A apple B banana C chili
D dog food E eggplant
F fish G garlic H hairspray
I ice J junkfood K ketchup
L liver M matzoh N nuts
O onion P pizza Q qiuche
R relish S soap T tuna
U undies V veal W wieners
X nothing Y yams Z zippers

I go shopping from A to Z
I go shopping from A to Z
I go shopping from A to Z
I go shopping, shopping, shopping
Shopping, shop, shopping

Good girls shop, bad girls shop
Shopping, shopping
Good girls shop, bad girls shop

I go shopping from A to Z
I go shopping from A to Z
I go shopping from A to Z
I go shopping, shopping, shopping
Shopping, shop, shopping