All these visions in my head
Shouldve gone to bed before the water shed
Some are live and some are dead
Makes no difference when theyre in your head, head
Keep the door, open a crack
So I can see them when they attack
Some are white and some are black
Makes no difference when theyre on your back
And I cant stop crying
And I cant stop driving
Cause the day is dying, dying, dying
And my eyes wide open
Count the sheep jumping the fence
So I can see tinkers when Im feeling tense
Disbelief hung in suspense
Eiderdown is my own defense
And I cant stop crying
And I cant stop driving
Cause the day is dying, dying, dying
And my eyes wide open
All these visions in my head
Shouldve gone to bed before the water shed
Some are live and some are dead
Makes no difference when theyre in your head
And I cant stop crying
And I cant stop driving
Cause the day is dying, dying, dying
My eyes wide open