Ladies and gentlemen Ive got words for sale, who wants to buy my words? Well Ive got the perfect word for you sir, how about prick? Listen. Come buy my words. Ladies and gentlemen, come.
Ive got jewels hes got jewels
Ive got gems hes got gems
Ive got a remedy for all your problems
We are your enemy, we are your friends
And we a cure for all your papers and pens
They say a pictures worth a thousand words
I disagree
To me a scriptures worth a thousand pictures
Just one word can inspire visions
Inspire plenty of em
Plus you cant describe pictures without the words
For this i bring you my jewels and gems
The tools of men
Used by the wise the fools the whos the whens
The wheres the whats
Why were here because
Nobody knows the world before the futures end
They say that when you blame others
You give up the powers to change
Yourself before you try and change others
What tomorrow might promise is nothing but a phase
Beautys only skin deep left with nothing but a face
Quotations are phrases repeated over ages
Repeated over ages
Repeated over ages
And not all wise words are true
Origins are the grape-vines you hear them through
Cut and stemmed from the earth
Bloodshed or soil
The chicken or the egg
Ponder why you eating oil
When the gossips all you read
Worst of all the people know that oils just a bite of an apple can make you spoiled
And an apple symbolizes the rotten earth
And then your brains rot and gone into rotten earth
They say that men are cursed, I say that men are blessed
So called men of God, I believe them less
They say that men are cursed, I say that men are blessed
So called men of God, I believe them less
Were all true men of God, I believe that yes
One day well all come together and figure out this bleeding mess
They say that money is the root of all evil
And money doesnt grow on trees
I disagree cause most money is paper
Taken from the wood like branches and leaves
Need money to live
Need trees to breathe
And we all wanna snap branches from the tree trees
And we all visit bank branches for the peace
Theres no evil in money, the evils in the greed
A friend in need is a friend indeed
Think twice before you speak to a friend in need
Lend a friend money he becomes your enemy
Beware of your friends coming on a bended knee
A friend in need is a friend indeed
Think twice before you speak to a friend in need
Lend a friend money he becomes your enemy
So beware of your friends coming on a bended knee
They say that
Historys lie thats agreed
All stories are similar but different to the truth
Lost in translations
So whenever you read
Dont just do between
Check beneath